League News


Team Formations and Player Releases

**Point of Clarification**
Questions have been asked about team formations and player releases. WVMHA is hosting U11 AA, U13 AA, U15 AA and U18 A levels of play. Therefore, the executive has discussed and directed that no releases will be granted for the upcoming 2023-24 season to other associations because we are offering the highest level of play at minor (this excludes AAA/Major, see notes).
  • There are no releases required to U13 AAA Jets, U15 Major Wildcats, U16 AAA Wildcats, U18 Major Wildcats, or High School Teams within our region if players are successful in obtaining a roster position at those respective levels.
  • If unsuccessful in making a Valley AAA/Major team, there are separate release considerations and processes in order to tryout for a non-Valley AAA/Major team.
Please contact us if you have any questions.
WVMHA Executive
Sep 11, 2023